In 2020 we(a Team of 4 artists) worked on the Intro of the Product-Launch Video for a new Face Creme by Peter Schmidinger.
My main tasks included the simulation of the 2 liquids meeting and joining as well as the reveal of the "old" black pot. This was done using shot footage of ink in water to reveal the 3d renders of the pot.
For the simulation I used X-Particles in Cinema 4d. It took a few itterations and a lot of time to wait for updated caches(I don't have the fastest workstation anymore) until we arrived at the state you can now see in the final clip.
However when I was setting up the first shot I used a moving camera which flew through the "tunnel". But to save time on rendering the client decided to just use the last bit of it.
The sim was retimed to make it feel more dramatic and afterwards cached to Alembic so that it could be rendered in 3ds Max using VRay by another artist.
Here you can see a Viewport Render of the shot as I had set it up
When I was setting up the shots I used Redshift to light and shade it, but as it would have taken us forever to render it on my machine, we went with VRay. This is also the reason why I used the C4d Viewport Renderer for the Preview above.
But here you can see a still frame of how it looked in RS as well as Screenshot of my C4D setup.

I revistited the exported Alembic to see if I can open and work with it in Blender 4.0. This is how a Cycles render looks like with a bit of Post-Processing.
It might look a bit different from what I used before but this is the one that worked fine.
Thanks for checking out our work!