Day 50
Wow I've reached day 50. Didn't think to come this far and just have a few days in between without uploading something new :-)
Today I sat down and tried the new beta version of Trapcode MIR. I came up with this graphical winter scenery but it could also be underwater ;-). Nothing photorealistic but probably suited for motion graphics...

Day 51
This is another photograph I took while looking around our house to get some interessting shots of our christmas decoration.

Day 52
This is a work in progress still render for what will end up being my animated christmas card this year. By the end it will probably look a lot different but never the less I wanted upload it as don't have anything else ;-)

Day 53
Today I had the idea to turn all the single frames I rendered for my "Halloween-Animation" into one Animatic/Storyboard to have something more visually interessting. I think it helps to showcase how I wanted to tell the story. Hopefully next year I will have more experience and start sooner to come up with a full animation. We will see.
Day 54
Another amazing sky-photograph is the "submission of the day". But this time I altert it quite a lot. I used one of FilterForge paintery Filters in combination with a cinematic LUT to get this look. If also attached the original photograph beneath which I also uploaded to my collection of impressive sky-photographs which you can find here:

Day 55
I didn't find any time to produce something today.
Day 56
This photo of our artificial pond was taken today and altert inside FilterForge. It looks more like a picture taken in fall and not on the 3.advent.