Day 43
After one week entirely devoted to the movie Bela Kiss I might do something completely different this week (maybe ;-))
While playing around with Thinking Particles inside of Cinema 4d once again I came up with this render. I'm not sure what it represents but it looks interessting. The orange hair render particles are killed when they hit an invisible surface object and explode into the purple lights.

Day 44
Even though I wrote yesterday that wouldn't submit anything from Bela Kiss this week, I changed my mind as today is the US, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia launch:-)
So I sat down to recreate the opening title of the movie. But I didn't want an exact copy as I already have the original AFX file (it was created with the Element 3d Plug In). I wanted to do my version of it inside of C4d.
Don't get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it and think it looks great but I just wanted to see if I could recreate a similar movement and look in C4d. It is just the final frame of the animation but is pretty close to the one you can see at the start of my VFX breakdowns from last week.

Day 45
There is no submission today :-( as just couldn't find any freetime to sit down and create something. Tomorrow I will probably find more time and continue...
Day 46
For St Nicholas' Day I wanted to do something more "christmas-y" so I grabed a 3d santa model and rendered it in C4d.

Day 47
Sometime nature is just the most beautiful thing. This photo was taken yesterday just before a storm came up. I haven't altert the colors as much as I normally do (in this photo most of the look was achieved by just expanding the dynamic range)
If you would like to see more "skypictures" you should check out my project were I upload the most beautiful ones:

Day 48
My copy of Bela Kiss Prologue arrived today (you can get yours here or use one of the many VOD service if you live outside of europe f.e. so I grabbed my phone and took a photo of it. I then used my new version of FilterForge to start playing around with all it's possibilties. This "plug in" is just amazing as you can create infinite looks and textures to use with 2d images or in a 3d software. I just scratched the surface of what is possible but will certainly have a lot of fun with it in the future.

Day 49
For the 2nd advent I went out and shot a picture of our decoration to get back into the christmas/winter mood as Bela Kiss isn't a christmas flic at all ;-)