Day 36
As "Bela Kiss - Prologue" (a movie I've worked on as a Digital Compositor) will be released on DVD and BluRay here in Germany on friday, I might devote this weeks submissions to it.
Hopefully the rest of the world will also get a chance to buy it shorty afterwards. In the UK the release is planned for the 1st quarter of 2014 and the US should see a release within months
If I get permission from the producers, I will create and upload breakdowns of the shots I've worked on during the next days. But for now I have a photo I took from the official poster

Day 37
I am allowed to share those breakdowns with you. However, I just have to check back one more thing and then I will post them here.
In the meantime I wanted to share a before and after stillframe of one of the shots I've worked on.

Day 38
So here we go. The first breakdown of a shot I've worked on.
Nothing to crazy to start with. Just a license plate replacement, but that is the kind of work that has to be done to create a believable world.
And today was the release of Bela Kiss in the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa officially announced. You can get the film across all major online video services including iTunes, Amazon, Hulu, X-box, PlayStation and Vudu as well as through Cable VOD on December 3, 2013
Day 39
Todays breakdown is all about removal of unwanted things in frame. Probably not the most visually exciting work but someone has to do it and it involves often times a lot of work and can easily causes a lot of frustration ;-)
Day 40
Now something more visually interessting. This time I have a sky replacement for you. It went a lot of work into it but I think the final shot looks quite cool.
It is the same shot from day 37s picture.
Day 41
In this 4th and final breakdown I go over a Greenscreen shot that I've worked on. In the movie it is part of a backflash.
I actually worked on some more shots in the final movie but those are very similar to the ones I broke down here so I won't add them to keep everything nice and short.
I probably cut all the breakdowns into one final clip tomorrow so that it is easier to watch.
Day 42
As promised in yesterdays post, I edited all the breakdowns into one final piece. There isn't any new footage except for some new music (for which I used Video Co Pilots Pro Sounds) and a few replaced bumpers So if you've already watched the breakdowns I posted during the last couple of days you don't need to watch this one (but i would be happy if you do :-))
If you liked the breakdowns and thereby decided to watch the movie, I would love to hear if you r review about the movie. You can post your opinion down below.
Shock Till You Drop just released a 20min Making of (I guess it is the same one you can find on the DVD and BluRay) so if you are interessted in the movie you can get even more informations there: