Days 353-354
For the online training @ fxphd, I worked on 2 shots for a challenge that gets reviewed by one of their co-founders. As I wasn't too happy with the result I uploaded, I sat down to re-think about how to approach the shots and re-worked them.
The task was to turn the normal teeth into "vampire-fangs".
Eventually I will upload the videos to my vimeo page, but first I will make sure that it looks the way I want it to be , probably add some sound fx to spice it up even more and bring back the original sound as it is missing at the moment. Until than you can see the 1st video here on my dropbox page


Days 355-356
This was the 2nd shot I've worked on for the challenge.
As they shot the actress with and without the "zombie-contact lenses", we had to make the transition seemlessly. I decided to use her normal eyes to composite them over the shot of her already wearing the lenses.
The temporary version can be seen here


Day 357-358
A friend of mine told me about an idea for a movie in which a flamming sword would be needed. I sat down and did some tests with the trail version of TurbulenceFD to see how that might work and look like.
I guess there are way to many flames when sword moves and will take a lot more RnD to make it look great but I think for a first test it doesn't look to bad :)
static sword

moving sword

Day 359
I needed a break so there is nothing hew for today.