Day 318-319
I've come back to my space scene which I have been working on for a couple of days during this project. This time I added the model of the ISS which I found on the NASA website. It still doesn't look as I might want it to be but I keep working on the scene and will find out what it takes to make it more realistic (I think the main drawback in this shot might be the earth texture which I got from Google Earth as my main Earth Map isn't as detailed in such a close up))

Days 320-321
I saw a tutorial where the instructor showed how to use Turbulence FD to drive X-Particles to give them a fluid like motion. So I sat down and used my learning edition of TFD to come up with this render.

Days 322-323
Today my copy of the newest Cinema 4d version arrived. As it takes time to set everything up, install the most useful plug ins and check out some of the great new features I just grabbed a model that comes with the program, adjusted some material settings as well as lighting and rendering.
In the newest version they added a completely new illumination model which changes a lot of things and means that there is once again something new to learn and explore. Even though it takes longer to calculate it looks really great just with a few adjustments.and some compositing.