Days 290-291
It's a bit chaotic right now with some work related projects as well as new and updated software packages being released for Siggraph 2014. This takes time to dissect and decide which one is suited for me or what will change in the near future. Also the newest fxphd term takes quite a lot of my freetime so I don't find much freetime for this side project.
But nevertheless I found some minutes and simulated different particles hitting each other and being effected by turbulence. After that I brought the image over to AFX where I blured it a lot and added some additional post effects to sweeten it up :-)

The final Image

And the one straight out of Cinema 4d
Day 292
I did some R&D to see if I could create the effect of some small clouds writing text on. Using X-Particles to move Particles along a spline(which says the word Test; ok not to creative, but hey ;-)) and generating ThinkingParticles, I got to the point where I could use Cinemas Pyrocluster to render the clouds.
For my taste the clouds still miss some detail but it is hard to experiment as it takes quite some time to render them. But for a test it is ok.

added a Colorama Effect set to a fire preset to see how it looks and if it will work out
Day 293-294
A test I did using a "cloth-star". It gets attacked by some forces(if you look closely you can see it at the upper left; it's the small bulge) and tears it at some spots as it moves randomly through space.

Day 295
Nothing new for today :-(
Day 296
News said that the moon will be as bright as it can get today so I went out and took some pictures.