Days 276-277
I tested a way to do some interessting product visualization using some glowing trails moving over the surface of a 3d model (in this case a Smartphone I had on my drive). I think it still needs quite some work as I'm not 100% satisfied with the look of the trails. Maybe even a lot more particles at the start of the Animation. But it's a start :-)

Day 278
I stumpled upon a new 3d texturing plug in for Photoshop called DDO (which is part of a collection of plug ins). As i hadn't used any of the former versions I installed the Demo version and downloaded a demo project from their help site. WIth this it wasn't hard to get a quite impressive look in minutes (but I worked a lot longer to come up with the renders below). I will definitely revisit it more in the future to really understand how it works, what to look out for and how to use the textures in the end in Cinema 4d.

Day 279
Using another of the Quixel Demo files I came up with this texturing for a gun.

Days 280-281
I was away and couldn't work on anything new.
Day 282
This cloud looks like a spaceship to me