Day 22
And finally the last render of my Halloween scene:
We ignored all the signs that told us to run as fast as we can and entered the cabin. We look around and see weapons all over the place. A dirty mattress with some blood splatter lies on the floor and we finally decide to get the f*** out of here.
But it's to late! As we turn we face a monster (human or non-human, we will never know) wearing a pumpkin as his head and his butcher knife goes down on us.
This marks the End of my little Halloween "Animation". I hope you had a great Halloween this year :-)

Day 23
Today I took a photo of the last flower that still flourishes in our pond even tough it started freezing at night and all it's friends are already gone. This little fellow defy all odds

Day 24
This time I tried different lighting setups and textures to produce this "Virus" render

Day 25
For Motionworks Experiment Assignment 11 I played around with the Foam and the Turbulent Effect inside of After Effects to create a "Watercolor-effect". Even tough it isn't really realistic, I like the colors and final outcome

Day 26
I used one of VCP's Motion Design Liquid Models and added the Material and Lighting inside of C4d for the render of the day

Day 27
The photo was taken from the fireplace we had at my birthday party this year.

Day 28
Today I was way too tired to get in front of the computer to create something :-( I will continue my work in week 4...