Days 255-256
For Germanys Quarterfinal game against Algeria at the world cup I made this render.
I'm not a fan of how the goal looks but I will take for it with the next match at the end of the week :-)

Day 257
A wasp colony build their nest at our garage which looks great. Hopefully they will be gentle as I am allergic to their poison.

Day 258
To advertise the movie I've worked on a bit during the world cup on Facebook I created the following picture.
As Bela Kiss was a Hungarian who appeared all around the globe on different occasions I decided to place him in a frame of the World Cup final from 1954 (which Germany won 3:2 against Hungary) and make him one of the Hungarian defenders.
If you are interessted about the shots I've worked on you can see some breakdowns here: Bela Kiss:Prologue VFX Breakdowns

Day 259
Even tough Germany had their quarter final against France I decided to create something other than the usual logo renders. The other day I found my old Pro Action Football game I used to play with when I was a child. I decided to place a photograph of the players and soccer field into a 3d soccer stadium.
Not 100% perfect but it looks quite nice.

Day 260-261
A friend married his wife and bacause of that I was away all weekend and wasn't able to create anything.