Day 241
As the German soccer team played their first world cup game against Portugal today I decided to use both Logos and create a render out of them.
I will probably refine the look of this "game anounncement" further with every game Germany has to play.

Day 242

Days 243-244
As World Champion Spain lost both of their matches, they are already eliminated from the cup before the play offs start. This is something unexpected so I decided to turn it into a render where the logo of Spain breaks by hitting the logos of the Netherlands and Chile.
Hope the fans of the spanish Nationalteam aren't so mad at me, but I had to do it as you defeated us way to often in the last couple of years :-)

Day 245
Another one of my painterly pictures.

Days 246-247
For Germanys 2nd Game at the World Cup I added a few things like the Goal and the Grass to make the game-announcement a bit more pleasing