Day 234
As we had a holiday here in Germany I did not find any motivation to sit in front of the computer while the wheater was so amazing outside :-)
Day 235
After seeing how easy it is to use the Autodesk Charaktorcreator in one of the classes at fxphd I decided to try it out for myself.
So I sat down and tried to create a digital double for myself. The free version is a bit limited as it doesn't let you export shape keyes and only low res textures but I could live with those limitations. Overall I liked it a lot, even tough MakeHuman might be bit more flexible as you have a lot more features to tweak. But I haven't tried it with Cinema 4d and how it exports the bone structure as I normally don't do charakter animation. Maybe now I will do a bit with my digital double ;-)
After the creation I imported the model into Cinema and lit it with a HDRi showing the Pixar Mainbuilding I found a view weeks ago. This is why you can see Luxor Jr.'s ball on the left side of the frame ;-)

Day 236
Sometime the sky here looks so surreal

Day 237
I couldn't find the time to create something for today.
Day 238
With the soccer world cup starting today I wanted to create a 3d scene of a statium but as I couldn't find enough time to do so, I just grabbed an HDRi of one and placed a soccer ball, which I retextured, into it. I'm not totally satisfied with it as I think th ball is a bit to big and the perspective could be a bit better, but sometimes you just have to go with what you have ;-) I think I will re-visit this theme in coming weeks and do what I initially wanted to do.
I'm still not sure if I will follow the soccer championship as I can't stand what the FIFA did to my beloved sport. But I will see.

Days 239-240