Day 213
While the old fluid test was still rendering I started another fluid sim with X-Particles. This time as a contribution for Joseph Gordon-Levitts TV series "HitRecord on TV".
This frame is near the start of the Animation and the 4 individual fluids will form the Number: 2 at the end.

Day 214
An interessting cloud formed itself outside my office window. With a bit of imagination it looks like the "Star Trek Enterprise" to me

Day 215
While the fluid test are still rendering I took the time to generate a title plate for the old one.

Day 216-219
Finally the fluid sim finished rendering (of course if I had let the pc work through all night I would have been able to finish it a lot faster but I wanted to give him a break here and there). I did a bit of compositing work afterwards in AFX and added some simple sound effects to sweet it up just a bit further.
I think it looks quite cool and I'm happy with how it turned out but would choose some other simulation and render settings if I had to render it all again :-)