Day 206
Playing around with the fluid option in X-Particles I came up with this render.
At first the white fluid is created and after it hits a black cube at the top of the frame (not all the particle hit the cube this is why there is still white liquid in the scene) it turns into the red fluid.
I might find the time to render the whole animation at the end of the week but as it takes some time to calculate all the geometry I'm not entirely sure.

Day 207

Day 208 & 209

Days 210-212
I started to render the fluid sim test as promised. But as it turned out it takes quite some time to render those frames with all the good settings turned on (about 20min pro frame). As the animation is about 125frames long and I couldn't let the PC work all day the render isn't finished just yet.
I will render the remaining frames as soon as possible. Those 2 frames here are from different points in time of the Animation.