Day 15
Wow made it into week 3. Wasn't all that hard :-)
Today I will take a break from the Halloween "Animation" (but I will end our journey) and submit a render I did for the 4th Cinema 4D: Experiment Assignment from Motionworks using the Explosion Deformer with a Fracture Object, Random Effector, Spline Effector and the Multi Shader.

Day 16
Today we come back to my Halloween scene.
We keep getting closer to the entrance of the scary cabin. After we left the graveyard from Day 8 behind us (sorry for being a bit out of order here but the graveyard was the first test renders I did and decided, after I saw how long it would take to render, to tell the "story" in the right order) we peak around the corner. A scary looking pumpkin head? What does that all mean?
By now we already should have run away from the cabin but I guess we are not smarter than any Highschool Kid we have ever seen in a movie...

Day 17
Despite all the warning signs we sneak by the angry pumpkin and peak through the window. Looks a bit rustic but we could knock and see if they offer us something to eat and drink as the dinning table is already set. But wait... is this wine or blood in the glass? What's going on in there...

Day 18
To mix things a bit up, I revisite a scene I started on day 5. I added the earth and bit more atmosphere. Even tough there is still a lot I have to add and tweak (especially the textures), the scene got a lot nicer. If the final scene will look this or if I change the camer angle,... is not decided yet.

Day 19
Even though I promised to continue the Halloween "Animation" I had a busy day and couldn't get anything done to finish it.
But I had a bit of freetime and decided to finaly use Trapcode Mir for the first time. I had no I idea what all those slider do so I just randomly used them and came up with something that looks to me like a Phoenix. Which is very cool for just 1h of experimentation I think.I guess I will further use it in the future and try to understand all those settings to actually know what I'm doing until then enjoy my first creation.

Day 20
Today I have something that was not created in the computer :-) (when you ignore the grading and cropping). The photo has been taken a few weeks ago. It took me several attempts to get a good and especially sharp one of the fast moving dragonfly (I guess he saw me as a paparazzo and didn't want to be photographed). But finally I had luck.

Day 21
Today I went to the movies and watched Metallica - Through the never. It was a great experience with amazing loud music and some great visuals (this time the stereo 3d didn't bother me, which is always a good sign). Even tough I was disappointed with the story I can recommend the movie to every metal fan out there as the concert part is fantastic.
And tough I decided to honor the band and create "my version" of the band logo (I found the outline/svg on wikipedia as I suck at working in illustrator)