Day 199
After a long time I finally used my Pulp Fiction Action Figures in a new composite.
This time Vince and Jules appeared on the "wrong" film set.
To see past and future PF-mini creations have look at it's project page.

Day 200
Even tough I wasn't able to submit something new on all the past 200 days I think it is ok to celebrate a bit.
This time I shattered a cube and let the numbers only appear where you can see through it.

Day 201
Nothing new for today as I had to test some for work which took me too much time.
Day 202
With the help of the free plug in Pro3dural for C4d I created this render which I think looks like a shot that could be in a movie about an alien planet.

Day 203

Day 204
A test with the Pro3dural plug in as well as X-Particles that move over it's surface which than got traced and turned into geometry.

Day 205
Unfortunately nothing new for today as I need a break.