Day 192
Sometimes I can't even believe how good photos from a smartphone can be these days. With just a little bit of adjustment I got to this point.

Day 193
I test I did using X-Particles and the skinner-modifier to create an object that assembles itself in a fluidy way.

Day 194
I finally came back to my Outerspace scene and did a quick render of the satellite up close. It still needs so much work but I hope to come back to it very soon.

Day 195
As I'm reading a fantastic book from Ed Catmull (chief of Disney/Pixar) at the moment during render pauses, I thought about turing it's title into a logo. I've chosen the style of Pixars first hit movie for that.


Day 197
Nothing new for today.
Day 198
My dad turned 58 so I made him a digital birthday cake.