After the unintended break caused by a sudden death of a beloved family member I'm finally back.
Day 185 -186
I got a Demo version of the Krakatoa renderer for C4d which was just released last week. As I haven't used any of the previous version you could get for Max and Maya I still figure out how everything relates and works. Here are the first 2 renders I created with it.
This one looks a bit like a bird made out of particles if you look closely which wasn't intended in the firs tplace but I found it quite interessting :-)

This one uses a lot more particles with a long shutter speed to get a lot of motion blur to make it look a bit like hair.

Day 187
A test I did by using X-Particles and Krakatoa to render a mug made out of particles that get blown away (starting from the top to the bottom) at a certain point in time.

Day 188
A sunset ala graphic novel

Day 189-191
Some random pictures I took during the weekend.