Day 170
I brought the render from day 153 into AFX and did some basic compositing. I didn't add to much additional elements to it and just tweak it slightly. I'm not 100% satisfied with how the C4d render passes looked but had to move on and couldn't re-render it. It might be a bit dark in the browser but you could see a lot more from the BG in the actual Tiff

Day 171

Day 172
I found this amazing model of a Mini-Cooper on the internet, tweaked some settings, replaced some materials as well as the lighting and quickly added some additional models to populate the scene.

Day 173
Part of the painterly view out of my office.

Day 174-176
Just some of the photos I took during the days.

I will not upload anything for week 26 as a beloved family member died unexpectatly and I'm not able to find the motivation to create or alter anything at all at the moment :-(