Day 142 & 143
Even though I did find a bit more free-time to experiment, I once again turned to my phofographs taken the last couple of days (I will hopefully return to some Motion Graphics and VFX Shots in the coming days but have to think of something interessting and challenging)

Day 144-145
Once again a lot of work had to been done, so I just found a fraction of time to do something cool.
While going through my C4d content-browser I found this cool model of a Tron Car and decided to use it. It is part of the GSG Free Pack you can get here.
For now it is just a still render (which after all turned out to be an amazingly slow render of about 2h on my old machine) but I want to include it into some live-action and have some fun with it.

Day 146-148
I still can't find a lot of freetime at the moment but here 2 new photographs I took during my breaks.