Day 135
As this week will probably be pretty hectic with a lot of work that has to be done I wanted to share one last "painting". I'm not sure when or how often I will find this week the time to work on my side-project here but I will try to do my best :-)

Day 136
There was just another amazing sunset outside our house so I grabbed my cam and took some pics. I than turned it into an "acryl painting". If want to take a look at the original version, I have uploaded it into my sky-pictures project
If you look closly it looks a bit like Smaug the dragon from "The Hobbit", don't you think?

Day 137-141
As written before I had so much to do in the last couple of days that just didn't find any time for this side-project. But as it gets warmer and warmer everyday I couldn't resits to grab my dslr and go outside to take some pictures.
The bees already started their work and are busy collecting pollen.

The man in the moon was also working hard and decided to show up quite early ;-) and in plain sight.