Day 121
I had too much work to prepare so I was once again not able to add something new :-(
Day 122
Altough I'm still very busy preparing a job I sat down and used a free 3d Lego figure to come up with this render. It was never meant to have the real world scale as this would be way to small to look interessting in this environment ;-)
I really can't wait until "The Lego Movie" is finally released here in Germany because I heard so many good things about it and all the trailers just looked amazing.

Day 123
I'm still busy preparing some jobs (and it seams that daily a new one comes up) so I find only a limited time herefor.
But while I was going through some of my old photos I took (this one is from last year as we haven't had any snow this winter yet which is kind of sad), I found this one which hadn't been developed nor uploaded anywhere yet. It's an interessting one as it combines winter (snow) and sommer (apple)

Day 124 & 125
I had so much to prepare that I just was not able to find some time to create something new
Day 126
As I didn't find time for something new for the last 2 days, here are 2 rather stylizied photographs.

Day 127
I was away all day and so there is nothing new to show.