Day 93
As said last week, I rendered the animation of me shattering the Monday-text. The solors changed quite a bit from the still I uploaded one week ago but the animation is more or less the same.
I'm not 100% satisfied with the explosion but I think it has to do with the custom font I used. But nevertheless it was a lot of fun exploring all the possibilities of NitroBlast during the week.
Day 94
I didn't have much time today as I had to do some Photoshop clean-up work. But I sat down and experimented with some lighting and texturing a Happy Buddha model I found only.

Day 95
I did not find any time to produce somethign today :-(
Day 96
I used a combination of a 3d model and Trapcode Form for this render. I think it looks really cool

Day 97
I found some amazing free car models online. I will probably incorporate them in future projects (I think about doing some shots here, that will involve more than one day and combine different tasks). For now I have this render of the front of one of them.

Day 98 & 99
As the sun showed up after a long time I went outside and took some photos. I wasn't after something specific so here are just 2 random ones