Day 86
As I hadn't worked with NitroBlast since the 1st day I started this, I decided to come back to it and explore more of it's settings and options.
I don't like Mondays as probably most people do and so I decided to blow it up ;-) This is just a still render but I plan on rendering the whole animation (hopefully for next weeks monday) where I shatter it.

Day 87 & 88
For the last 2 days I've worked on some more destruction using NitroBlast for C4d. It's so much fun (but at times also frustrating when things don't work as intended) to play around and shatter digital models :-)
I came up with a short scene where a rocket destroys a wall and causes an explosion. As rendering animations take quite some time (especially when using full hd resolution) I once again just rendered some frames of it and assembled them in a picture.

Day 89
Continuing my tests with NItro4d (I think this will be the theme for this week; I should do lot more of those as I learn quite a lot) I came up with the this new scene.
I don't know why the ghost gun is so made at the weiss beer glass that it has to shoot it but nevertheless it was a lot of fun creating it. But keep in mind, violence is never the answer!

Day 90
Todays render is a lot simpler compared to the days before as didn't have any "cool" idea for a little story. But I wanted to try another feature of Nitro4d. So I created this shattering MoGraph-y Flower

Day 91
This render isn't very visually spectacular as a still render but the set up took me a bit to figure out as those three mini colored spheres are inside the transparent sphere which got shattered as soon as it hit the ground. Before that it rolled over two "ramps" (one you can see on the right side of the frame) without breaking.
After that I altered the render quite a bit inside of AFX (as I do with every 3d render)

Day 92
I prepared the animation where shatter the Monday text (see day 86) for tomorrow so I have nothing to show for today...