Day 79
I sat down and wanted to create a render of a filled whiskey glass. I'm not 100% satisfied with the result so far, as I couldn't get the settings for the X-Particles skinner object to look more like real fluid. I will have to get back to this task in the future and maybe ask someone in the forums to give me some tips and how to attack it (after all it isn't a fluid simulator like realflow, but I hope to get it to look a lot better).

Day 80
I didn't have much time today to make something special but I sat down and played a bit around with X-Particles and did this final render.

Day 81
As I had to do some tracking for work today I hadn't much time for some serious 3d work so I used the last Motionworks AFX Experiment to play around with some effects I normally rarely use.
This is what I came up with.

Day 82
Just a bit of particle "plexus"-style fun

Day 83
For some time I wanted to create a transparent skull render. I found this free model, which was scanned from a real skull, and did some tests. Maybe it will end up in some sort in a Logo but I have to work a bit more on it to be fully satisfied.

Day 84
I wanted to see if I could create some text made out of clouds. With the help of X-Particles and the Pyrocluster shader in C4d I came up with this render. It is missing a lot of fine detail so I'm not totally satisfied.

Day 85
I took a day of and will contine tomorrow if everything goes well :-)