I will produce different kinds of art every day during the next year, including 3d renders, photographs, drawings, digital composites and short film clips.
Some of those might take longer than 1 day to produce (depending on the complexity) but I will try to upload at least one piece per day.
Maybe the next weeks will have different themes, but I'm not quite sure on that yet. However most of the time it will have something to do with the tasks I have to learn or I'm curious to try out :-)
Day 1
And what is a better way to start such a long-term project than by destroying something (and it will probably not be the last one) ;-)
I used Cinema4d to drop and shatter a glass sphere. I then refined the render with a bit of compositing inside of After Effects
(on the left is the render out of C4d and the composited Version is on the right)

Day 2
Day 2 is all about autumn in all it's glory.
With the help of the free Laubwerk Plug In for C4d and the new Architectural Grass I created this autumn scene. In After Effects finished the shot and created those 2 pictures.
(2 different version of the same render)

Day 3
Used Thinking Particles and Pyrocluster inside of Cinema 4d to create this "Ring of Fire".

Day 4
Today another 3d render (maybe the theme for week one could be 3d :-))
I'm not quiet sure what it is or represents but I find it looks quite cool.

Day 5
This 3d render marks the start of a much bigger project in which I want to create another space scene (inspired by the visually amazing "Gravity"). So techniqually it is still work in progress and not a finished project but I think it's still valid to post it here as it is also part of my learning experience :-)
It lacks a lot of depth with additional planets, meteoriods ect. but a good start for about 1h of work I guess
The 3d model of the moon isn't mine. I downloaded the free model here: http://www.cinema4dtutorial.net/?page_id=1073

Day 6
As I was busy the whole day I decided, instead of rendering another 3d piece, that I'll post 2 photgraphs I took a few weeks back on warm autumn evening. I didn't have the chance to grade them till now and so I used them to try 2 different grades.

Day 7
Today I was sick and couldn't create anything. But as I submitted 2 renders on Day 2 and 2 photographs on day 6 I guess that's OK ;-) Maybe I will even use the sundays to recharge and won't submit anything at all. We will see...