This was a personal R&D, using the amazing X-Particles 2.5 for Cinema 4d to create some Liquid which finally forms a number.
With some tweaks inside of AFX (mainly changing the color + adding some motion blur) and some SoundFX, which were done in PremierePro (I'm by no means an audio guy and have deep respect for their craft) I got to this point:
I've submitted the video to HitRecord which is Jospeh Gordon Levits production company, so it might appear in the 2nd seasson of HitRecord on TV.
It was later featured in the current customer show reel from fxphd
The finished video consits of different render passes, which almost all looked cool on their own, so I have added some stills of the best ones down here:

Ambient Light Pass

Refraction Pass

Reflection Pass

the combined Color, Specular and Shadow Pass

Ambient Occlusion Pass
I hope you liked this little test I did. :-)